Burce Mau's Incomplete Manifesto
"Six Thinking Hats", Edward de Bono
A book about a method of creative thinking that tells you to wear a hat in a specific colour to play a part, i.e. the realistic, the optimist etc. This allows you to examine your idea from different wievs.
"Creativity and Information", J. D. Cougar
A book more about developing computer systems. But it also features a nice diagram which illustrates three of the phases in creativity:

People tend to not spend enough time on the first phase and rather skip straight to the second phase, the generation of ideas. But, the more well-defined the problem is, the easier is it to find a solution. And; good work on phase 1 and 2 makes phase 3 much easier.
Then some of the students talked about their directions in this course. One of the students are going to look closer at IDEO www.ideo.com, one of the most successfull product development companies. IDEO are known for their "Ten phrases of innovation" and their method cards.
One student are looking closer at a norwegian "creativity-company" called Stig og Stein www.stigogstein.no. They virtually have monopoly on teaching norwegian companies to be more creative, and have been very successfull the last years.
Companies have become more and more aware of the value of creativity the last years, especially business leaders as the Harvard Business Review stressed the importance of creativity. One of the companies known for their creative attitude is 3M. Employees at 3M have to spend 15 % of their time working on something creative that they like and are interrested in. This leads t0 new products and more ideas on how the company can improve itself. 3M doesn't only reward the successfull projects that come out of this, but also acknowledges the projects that fails. This makes it easier to dare to come up with new ideas, it is either way a win-win situation for the employee, and the company.
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